Sims 4


Sims is what every video game should strive to look like. Just by looking at the advertisements and previews of the game you can see that a lot of the concepts we discussed in class are within this particular game. The first is the representation of people throughout this game. You can choose from almost every race from black to white to green. They even have certain features that fit each person as well which is very cool. Along with customizations, you can also add personality to your character throughout the game. For example, your character can be silly, motivated, a flirt, or even a goofball. These are adjectives that are relatable to something that a real person in the real world could have. Since this game is so similar to our world it’s fairly easy to become immersed in the game and to play it for several hours without noticing that it’s been that long. This also means that the magic circle is incorporated in this game as well for instance. Most people make themselves so similar to the sims character that it’s easy to become a part of the game and not notice that you have. I feel as though other gaming developer companies should look at sims as an example and follow suit when creating new games.



  1. I have heard about this game countless times, and I only hear great things about it. All of my friends play it and encourage me to play it. SIMS is a worldbuilding game and really allows the players to jump into another world that they can create on their own. I think this is an important aspect of the game because the player is incorporating their style, character, and designs within a game, and making it their own.

  2. I love this game and I still play it today. This is a great game for escaping reality. I think this game is so talked about because of how much you are about to customize everything. I mean you can customize things down to something as simple as hair products, even though you can not really use them. Something else I love about this game is that there is no win or lose. You’re literally just playing a life simulation.


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