Pandemic the board game

I was one of the last people to pick my board game for project 2 not knowing that the library had very interesting board games. As the person at the desk brought the games out for me to see I instantly saw Pandemic stand out with its yellow and red lettering. The visuals also stood out to me with 4 characters you had looks of urgency on their faces. It was so cool to play a game about something that the whole world is going through. Pandemic is described as a cooperative game because you can lose as a team or win as a team. Each player (there are 7 to chose from) has a certain job that they have to complete throughout the game. 

There are 4 different diseases that the elite team of disease-fighters has to find a cure for. The board game is a map of the whole world so you never know which part of the world can be affected by deadly diseases. One thing that I found that was interesting about Pandemic was it was created by Matt Leacock in 2008 years before the actual Pandemic happened, I looked at an interview that Matt had done recently and he describes the reasoning behind why he made the game “It was to give a perspective of if the world was to have a real Pandemic”. I think this game does a good job of portraying that. 


  1. Pandemic reminds me a lot of the show "Outbreak" on Netflix which basically predicted everything that was going to happen in 2020 but a lot more dramatic. Of course people were slightly zombified and died dramatically but other than that is was very similar to what we witnessed in 2020.I also think Pandemic may be the transmedia of a show on Netflix. I think it's really cool that they turned it into a game if that's the case.

  2. Having perspective of what it would be like if the world was to have a real pandemic might be helpful. That benefits from such a perspective could be related to the benefits that could be derived from the video games Eco and Jupiter & Mars. In all three the vulnerability of the planet is a theme.

  3. I commend you because I would have never wanted to play a game called the Pandemic. It sounds scary, and has a dystopian feel to it. However, I do feel that this game does open up our eyes even the more to how impactful this pandemic has been on everyone as a whole. I was shocked when you stated that this game was created before the pandemic even started. The creator knew what to create and expect and created a board game out of it which sparks curiosity and admiration for the content.

  4. Oh wow! That's so cool! I think that it is such an interesting theme for a game, especially for us who are actually living through one. I wonder what the creator would change about the board game if he had waited to make this game after the Covid pandemic. Honestly, I would never want to play this game after everything Covid is over. I never want to think about 2020 ever again if I am being honest.


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